DIT-MCO Unveils New Rugged EasyMate Connector

1 min read
Jul 10, 2005

KANSAS CITY, MO – DIT-MCO International announces the release of its new connector, the EasyMate. This new interface connector for test equipment adaptation is manufactured in groups of 10 pins. This configuration reduces wasted nodes as these connectors are built to maximize pin usage while minimizing adapter cable complexity.

Other key features include its low contact resistance which translates into a high number of cycles without degradation. In addition, its low current-carrying capability, smooth wiping action during engagement and all metal construction resist damage due to rough treatment or repetitive movements. The male connectors are available with crimp or solder contacts and accommodate both standard and ribbon-type cabling.

Francisco Carpio, Director-Special Products Group (a division of DIT-MCO) states that, “This connector is a low cost solution that can be stacked to accommodate various pin counts and built rugged enough to withstand forceful handling.”

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