Next Generation Electrical Test Suite™

Improve Throughput and Aid in Fault Troubleshooting
The NexGen Electrical Test Suite (NETS™) is DIT-MCO’s newest application for addressing complex test requirements. This next-generation utility combines test script creation and execution into one cohesive tool to simplify the product test process.
The enhanced features of the NETS software application improve throughput, aid in fault troubleshooting, and allow the end-user to configure the application easily to accommodate specific testing requirements. New features help pinpoint the source of component failures, while the streamlined, user-friendly interface provides unparalleled command of the Analyzer.
Complete Life Cycle Test Management Solution
From test program development to trend analysis, NETS includes all the functions required by your testing process.
- Designed for use on tablet computers with a touch interface.
- Designed for use by test operators who are not trained in test programming.
- Provides fault troubleshooting with familiar tools similar to a held multi-meter.
- Integrated test development with imports from existing wire list data in various formats.
- Unique user names with associated permissions to limit the available functions.
- Designed to operate as a paperless environment with test results stored in a local database for recall when needed.
- Presents the user with simple functions upon initialization. Access to each application can be controlled using the User Login permissions.

Perform Tests and Fault Find the Test Results
Test results are presented in a simplified format, and tools are designed to make interacting with the system easy. No experience with test programming is needed to understand the test results and perform interactive testing for troubleshooting.

Build Test Program Sets
Edit test data using the edit tools or the automatic program generation function to read existing wire lists or automatically learn the test program from a “golden product.” NETS will guide you through the process at every step.

Easy System Maintenance
Maintenance technicians can perform routine tasks such as calibration or find faults in the test system. System functions are designed so that maintenance technicians do not require in-depth training in test programming to initiate the tests or to interpret results.

User-Level Access Management
System administrators can easily manage user information and user accessibility of the system’s functions and features.
Security Protection
To mitigate network security concerns, NETS is designed to operate without resources such as Internet Explorer while providing network compatibility to access data files. NETS is compatible with Windows™ 7 or greater operating systems.
Note: NETS will not operate with Windows™ XP™.
Connector Test Feature
The Connector Test feature reduces retest time while verifying individual connectors to ensure no additional faults were introduced during repair.
Key features of Connector Test:
- Test failures broken down by connector
- Tracks progress without having to re-run the entire test script
- Summary of all individual tests shown as a percentage of errors by connector
- Search by connector name
- Updates error percentage after each test for selected connector and all associated connectors
- Connector Test options added to default report settings
Click the button below for more information on NETS Connector Test.
Enhanced User Permission Levels
NETS has five user levels predefined, and each level is set with default permissions. These five user levels and their general access are outlined below.
- Operator: Run tests, generate report files
- Technician: Run tests, generate report files
- Engineer: Run tests, generate report files, create new test scripts
- Maintenance: Access to system utilities and maintenance section
- Administrator: Full system access
Automated Table Generation
Unlike previous software, NETS software has been implemented with a new text-based Address Correspondence Table (ACT) format. This new format allows automated table generation to interface the analyzer with many test device pinning configurations. NETS software also supports existing.UL and .PL address correspondence files.
Improved Test Troubleshooting
A new feature has been implemented in the NETS application called the Failed-Test-Repeat function. This feature improves test troubleshooting by building a list of failed tests, which can be reloaded at a later time for more effective troubleshooting. Selecting a test from this list shows the test data details and also allows an individual test to be repeated automatically. This allows the user to recreate the original environment that existed at the location of the failure within the test program. Wiring faults are quickly verified and corrected leading to failed tests being marked as resolved to minimize redundant and repetitious efforts.
System Requirements
- Standard PC
- No special requirements for a hard drive or RAM
- Standard Ethernet Port (required for Netlink Analyzers) or Parallel Port for EPP Analyzers
Operating System
- Windows 7, 8, 10 Pro/Enterprise, and 11 Pro/Enterprise.
File Types
- .RO Test file
- .ACT Address Correspondence Table File (ACT)
- .UT ACT file
- .PL PLL ACT file
- .ERR Error Report File
- .CKS Checksum File
- MMAP Mod block Connection Map file
- SMAP Splice Pairs Connection Map file
- RHM Random Hookup Map File