Course 401: NETS Operation Training (E-learn Only)

  • An e-learn Operator course designed to introduce how to use NETS software to perform wire integrity testing.
  • Introduces components of a test script and various test types used in the DIT-MCO programming language.
  • Provides an overview of the NETS test screen and interpretation of test results.
  • The course is designed for OPERATOR and TECHNICIAN user permission levels in the NETS environment.
  • Only a brief familiarization with programming is provided as it relates to the TEST environment in NETS. Course 460: NETS Programming is also available online, virtually, and at the DIT-MCO facility for further programming training and operation throughout the NETS environment.
  • This course is only available through e-learn.

Attend an in-person training class at DIT-MCO or a virtual instructor-led training class on our latest test systems and their Windows-based software. Here are brief descriptions of our standard courses. Sign up using our training signup form to attend in person or virtually. Additional classes, customer-site training, and customized training are available upon request. Contact your regional sales manager, service technician, or DIT-MCO’s training desk at to schedule the training that best meets your needs.